“Traveling. It leaves you speechless, then turns you into a storyteller.”
— Ibn Battuta
About Us
Off Cape Experiences is a continuation of more than 20 years of exploring 80+ countries around the world and learning from some of its most interesting people, cultures and natural wonders.
We offer experiences that evoke and feed a sense of curiosity, love of nature and growth of perspective. They’re designed to expand on the meaning of adventure, friendship and love of all people. We strive to help build bridges that lead to togetherness and unity, not barriers that result in divisive beliefs or actions.
Based in Wellfleet, Massachusetts on Cape Cod, Off Cape Experiences offers both scheduled and customizable travel experiences. We take travelers to a variety of international locations where, over the years, we have cultivated meaningful and lasting relationships with people of all walks of life in local communities. These experiences have helped shape who we are, how we make decisions and how we navigate each day in this world.